Dreamweaver Testing Servers

Previewing dynamic content within the browser requires the Testing Server category to be defined.
Dreamweaver MX and above can create dynamic content as well as static content. While you can generate dynamic pages without specifying a testing server, you will only be able to preview these pages if you tell Dreamweaver what folder is used to process the pages. Typically the location of the testing server is the root folder created on the server (remote or local).

Dreamweaver asks you to set up the testing server as follows:
Server Model: PHP/MySQL
Access: Local/Network
Testing Server Folder: Loop the local folder into the testing folder
(you could put the testing server on another drive, different location than the local folder)
To do this, select the info from the Local root folder input box in the Local info Category, copy, move to the Testing server Category and paste into the Testing server folder input box.
Mac users alert: make sure there is a colon at the end
URL Prefix: Start up the MAMP start page and copy the direct URL path to the folder.

Form Data Transfer Methods

The GET method sends the submitted data as a series of name-value pairs appended to the URL. The amount of data that can be transferred from a form
is limited to 255 characters. If you wish to bookmark the page you are creating, you would use GET.

With the POST method, the data is sent in the background. The POST method is therefore more secure. The amount of data that can be transferred from a form is essentially unlimited.